“It was a general attack against our way of life, against future of our children”. Ozgün Talu explains the situation in Turkey and within.

Turkey is one of the most powerful countries in the Black Sea region, and the new reality in the Middle East even boosted importance and role of the country. Location of the Turkey is a huge advantage, but it is also can be a burden, in some meaning. The country is surrounded by many different Read More …

Police! New police!

The reform of the Police in Ukraine is one of those little visible changes in the country since The Revolution of Dignity. So, it’s not really weird that our new National Police is a subject to be infinitely proud of for the Minster of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, the Chief of the National Police Khatia Read More …

Important Elections

This autumn is a fruitful time in political life of the world. Elections that will take place in the USA and the elections that have already taken place in Russia – can determine the course and events of the whole world for the next few years. Not less important is the situation in Germany, where Read More …